Thursday, April 2, 2020

Happy Easter

I did an embellishment tag in one of my groups. I couldn't tell if I was supposed to make them, or just send some store bought ones, so I ended up altered some coin envelopes.
 I covered most of them in book pages and just added stuff until I liked how they looked.
I also signed up for an Easter card and planned to send a store bought one, and then realized I didn't have one, so I made one:
 I covered a card base in this cool marbled paper. I made the cupcakes dimensional. They were in the same paper pad as the marbled paper. The bunny and chick I only doubled the tops of the cupcakes, the middle one I doubled the whole thing. I put foam tape in between the layers. The "Happy Easter" is a clear sticker I put on white paper and cut out and then I decided it needed some eggs, so I added some puffy stickers.
I also had to make something Easter, so I went with a tag:

I used the same marbled paper as the background. I added some grass washi to the bottom with a bunny sticker on top. I was going to put a more dimensional sticker on top of his Easter basket, but it was much too big, so I added some bunny butts instead. I was also going to use it for a tag challenge theme of bunnies and butterflies, but it's too simple, so I added some butterfly stickers.

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