Thursday, March 28, 2019

St Patrick's Day Loaded Envelope

I'm not sure why, but I signed up for a St. Patrick's Day Loaded envelope. I'm not very good at loaded envelopes and I don't have a lot of St. Patrick's Day stuff (especially since I got rid of a bunch of it). Anywho, here's what I came up with:
 The background is from an all seasons paper pad, unfortunately after wrapping the envelope, I was a hair too short. I covered up the gap with a strip of thin washi. The leprechaun is from a loaded bag swap I did last year. I added some clover jewels to give him a bouquet to hold and a jeweled clover to his hat.
The back:
 The large piece is also from that same swap last year. I made a pocket with some more paper from the all occasions paper pad.
Here's what I put in it:
I made a wand with a sparkly clover that I had added some sparkly heart stickers to for dimension. It's on a gold striped straw with ribbons wrapped around it. I also made a cluster of clovers with some pipe cleaners and jewel clovers. The next thing is a bag of stickers. I made a shaker tag with green sequins, and more of the jewel clovers, I used a glue gun and some plastic packaging. There's a tiny ziploc bag of some green sour airhead candies. I made another tag with a doily, some jeweled clovers, and some green and gold gems. I also altered a felt clover sticker by adding a foam hat to it. I made another tag with a pot of gold sticker. I included some washi samples of mainly gold washi. I added a paperclip made from a foam sparkly green bow I got in a swap. I included some St. Patrick's Day ribbon, some tea, a bag of clover punchouts and a bag of the jeweled clovers and green sequins. There's also a paperclip made with foam hat cut outs and another tag made with a foam clover sticker and some washi.
I think I did pretty good for not having much in the way of St. Patrick's stuff. I had planned to go to Dollar Tree, but the weather stopped those plans. I had picked up the gem clovers, the hat stickers and the clover stickers at Hobby Lobby and found the pipe cleaners at Walmart.
Here's what I received, first glance:
 Not a great picture, I know, I was at work, and I just wanted to look at it.
 I passed these on to a co-worker, I don't like sour things.
The envelope, front:
 I love how she made an extra large one of these envelopes. I might have to take it apart and make one myself sometime.
The back:
 And the goodies:
I love all of it.
I really wanted to include more store bought stuff in mine, but I just couldn't get to the stores with weather, I hope my partner appreciated what I sent. I thought I did the best with what I had.

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