I know, it's been awhile, I have such a hard time getting myself motivated to do art lately. I did finish some things for a swap on Friday, but it's a surprise swap, so I'll post those later. Here are my cards for the March swap in my CollageATCs yahoo! group

The theme was bugs. The tulip picture is from the back of an Our Iowa magazine. The green background is from some memory makers packaging. The bird is from a piece of scrapbook paper. The layers on the last background as well as the blue piece are all scraps from my floor.
I should have those swap items up next week or so, the swap was for a 9 days of Easter swap. So, I'll get 9 packages back from the hostess and will open them up the 9 days before Easter, I'll do a post each day, so stay tuned.
Motivation is hard & then when you're motivated it's often when you have least time to act on it LOL, love the work, looks like it's coming together ;)
PS I'll stay tuned for the swaps too!!
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