Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I bet no one will, but I'll ask anyway

I'm looking for hope. I've been depressed lately. I was dealt a huge blow a couple of weeks ago and I don't seem to be getting as excited about things as I have in the past. I'm not finding things as fun as I used to. Anyone wanna send me some hope, or at least something to cheer me up?

Anyone have any hope for me?

1 comment:

Doni said...

You bet wrong dear...I will. But you might not like what my hope for you is. You see, I have a God given faith, belief in Jesus as my only hope and Savior, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that without Him, I would be so burdened and full of sin that I would have most likely been dead by now. If you want to chat, please email me nd I will gladly talk with you.
Praying for you,