Friday, April 16, 2010

Book Sale Finds

One great thing about working at the library is when we have books donated, I get to look at them before they are moved back to the donation room. And last weekend we had one of our semi-annual book sales, so I was really looking at the books we had coming in.
Somehow I have managed to screw up the order of these pictures, so bear with me. I also want to apologize if any of the photos are blurry, they always look so in focus on my camera and then I open them on the computer and they're blurry, I haven't figured out how to fix this yet. If anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it.
This book below, I got for $10 which I thought was a pretty good deal. Inside it I found a bunch or 4 and 5 leaf clovers. But I have no idea what to do with them, anyone got any suggestions? I've never seen tiny 4 leaf clovers, let alone big ones and 5 leaf clovers as well, I'm so glad someone found them and decided to press them and then happened to forget them and I got to have them.
The inside of this book has tons of information on household items. The copywright dates are 1948 and 1950. I had originally planned to use pages for artwork, but I think I just want to keep it.
Here's the front of the book, it's called The Everyday Reference Library.
This book, was a plain white book, inside I found it to be 365 Days of Nature and Discovery. Looks like a great book to alter, or use some of the pages inside. I paid $2.50 for it.Here's what a few of the pages look like:
Here's the front of it:
This book is the Autobiography of Santa Claus. My mom collects Santa's, and though I figure she'll never read this book, I thought it might be a nice addition to her collection. Now, as long as I don't lose it before Christmas, that would be great. This book was $.50
This is the inside of Nature in America, it also had a lot of fun pictures in it. This book was $.50
And here's the cover of it:
I bought this book because I'm trying to cook from scratch more, and I thought this might be a nice easy book to start with. This book was $.50
This book, I decided to buy for my father, who's a big MASH fan. This book was $4.00
This is the inside of a book called Ghost Towns of the West, also had a bunch of really cool pictures. Plus, I always liked looking at abandoned buildings. This book was $2.50
Here is the cover for that book:

I spent $20.50 on all these books, which I think is a great deal, considering they were all probably about $20 each or more new. Plus, I get to support the library, win-win solution for all.


HeARTworks said...

If I had the 4 leaf clover I would incorporate it into one of my flower collages! If you decoupage it, it will be preserved. :^)

caronbc said...

You can laminate the clovers and make a bookmark (appropriate as you found them in a book), you can put other flat things in with them for laminating to make a very attractive bookmark.
You can also put them into resin and make a key ring or paperweight.
I am an avid 4 leaf hunter so I have tried all of the above.
Also with the photos, you could try shooting in macro, but then you have to reduce the size before you upload for display (you open up 'Paint' and click on 'image' then click on 'resize and skew'. Then save it as a separate file and's perfect for display (well..hopefully..haha)
Kind Regards