So I'm sitting here feeling bummed about Okoboji and decide I need to take my mind off of it. I see a cute piece of trim and decide I should make a tag with it, which leads me to my craft closet, then I get distracted by my butterfly piece and decide I need to use some gel pens to highlight the butterflies. I finish that and see a piece of paper that would work for this tag. I don't get very far with that but see a vintage photo I've been saving for something else, I notice it's tearing more so I figure I should get started on that piece, but decide she would look better on book pages. So, I cover the background with dictionary paper, add her, but she won't lay flat. I figure a piece of tinfoil and a book will fix that, as I'm washing the Mod Podge off my brushes, I look down and realize my foot's bleeding. Just another typical day for me. At least i found my muse.
Does that ever happen to anyone else. You sit down to do something and you get distracted by three other things laying around?
Friday Five – Blah
3 hours ago