Saturday, November 18, 2017

Owl pocket letter

I signed up to do an owl pocket letter in one of my facebook groups because I have way too many owls and I never seem to use them.
Here's what I made:
 I chose a pretty plain background paper (Hobby Lobby) and a bunch of owl stickers (Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby, RAK) and a bunch of cactus stickers (Walmart, Hobby Lobby). I was thinking I should use two of the things I seem to collect and never use. I normally would not pair owls and cacti together, but I think it turned out cute. I also added some gold word stickers (Dollar Tree). I added some owl washi (swap) to the side.
The back:
I always try to add some of what I've used on the front, so there's a lot of owl stickers, and owl washi and those gold stickers, and also some tea.
Here's what I got from my partner:
 And the goodies:
I don't think I've received the ends of sticker sheets of what my partner has used before. Nothing was in the pockets, so I don't know if they came out in the mail, or it was mailed that way. She mailed it flat.

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